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Purchase A Six Pack For Love
EP compact disc.
Airplay Direct Chart
March 25, 2017
Six Pack Songs:

Too Late Now: When George Jones passed on I was inspired to write a true hurting song as a tribute to his vocal magic. OK, call me presumptuous, but his pure country voice always transported me to places in my heart that I never thought existed. 'Too Late Now' explores the relationship between lost love and the passage of time, concluding (sadly) that some wounds never heal.

Gonna Love 'Em To Death (If It KIlls Me) I wrote this song to poke a bit of fun at men who think that wearing western garb is all it takes to transform them from ordinary, uninteresting guys into macho 'lovers,' as dangerous as the 'big, bad wolf in the fairy tale.'  I had great fun writing 'I’m Going to Love 'Em to Death (If It Kills Me),' not least because I was able to mention 'Donald Trump’s hair.' 

Sickle Moon: Late one night I looked up at the black sky and saw a sliver of a 'sickle moon' suspended there. Immediately I was inspired to write a song about the painful experience of lovers breaking up. We do not know the reasons for their parting, just that it hurts.

Wintersong: Imagine a cold winter day, with a chilling wind blowing through your heart because you have just lost your love. What went wrong? Who’s to blame?

Cowboy Mid-Life Crisis Blues: I love the gritty style of country music, and especially enjoy poking a bit of fun at the clichéd image of the macho cowboy. The guy in this song, who doesn’t get the irony of his situation, just evolved into a tragic figure who is funny in a dark sort of way.

The Wish: My 'radio-friendly' rendition of an earlier release - describes the many challenges of life that we must meet head on. While we may not overcome all of them, the fact that we persist to 'climb the mountain' helps us to understand who we are and how we fit into the 'great scheme of things.'

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